• Servers Passing Champaign Toast
  • Wedding Servers Banquet Servers

Welcome To Bay Area Wedding Staff

Bay Area Wedding Staff provides on-call quality staff with years of experience in the hospitality industry. We provide courteous, professional waitstaff and bartenders in crisp uniforms who are ready to work. Our staff will set up, serve, and even do dishes. You can be sure that we will do everything possible to make your event enjoyable and stress free.

Whether your event is a corporate function, wedding or a private party at your home let our experienced staff provide you with the party help services for your next event. We are confident working in all venues including hotels, banquet halls, private homes and professional venues such as offices or other off-site locations.

We focus on everything from elegant evenings to backyard cook-outs; our staff is here to serve you and your guests!

We offer ServSafe and TiPS certified trained employees, providing you dependable friendly service without the hassles.

Who Is Bay Area Wedding Staff

To consistently exceed client expectations and enrich our community by providing the very best service available in our industry. With an appreciation for the culinary artistry our clients produce. We strive to perform at an even higher level to impress the client through the event.
When it comes to staffing an event we pride ourselves on reliability. Having a wide staffing base is the key to reliability. Some agencies will keep a small staff of friends and relatives to work the local events, but when it comes to Bay Area Wedding Staff bigger is better and also “reliable”.
Our promise to our clients on every event is to be the best while doing our best.
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Our Crazy Skills

Waitstaff 95
Bartending 95
Staff Captains 85
Wedding Staff 98

Meet Our Team

ShellyBooking Manager
Your business booking manager, responsible for initial customer contact, and information gathering and input.
BeeBooking Manager
Your business booking manager, responsible for initial customer contact, and information gathering and input.
AllanMarketing Manager
Marketing and Social Media promotion in addition to customer contact specialist.
VonStaff Development
ServeSafe Certified and TiPS Certified trainer

Our Happy Clients